Chronic Care Management

Divinity Chronic
Care Management

Aenean et ligula condimentum, consequat elit et, accumsan tortor. Donec dictum lectus ac rhoncus viverra. Fusce massa magna, euismod a lacinia eget, mattis sit amet est. Duis pulvinar nulla at fringilla imperdiet. Nulla at nulla sit amet leo feugiat scelerisque.

About Us

Nurses helping patients bridge care gaps in order to reach optimum health.

We help Physicians managed their chronically ill patients by being their extended Care Team…providing services on behalf of the practice, enabling them to bill Medicare for the services.

Chronic Care Management

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Remote Patient Monitoring

Our RPM equipment is ready to use out of the box. No need to worry about connecting to the internet or complicated setups. Data is sent through 4-G to our server real-time.


get started today

Based on 200 billable patients, my team introduced an entirely new revenue stream of $12,694 per month for Chronic Care Management. Add another revenue stream with RPM of $20,400 per month. We attain these reimbursements due to our 85% Medicare compliance rate.


Our Services

We offer lifestyle and community


Chronic Care Management

Care coordination services for patients with two or more chronic diseases


Remote Patient Monitoring

The collection, transmission, evaluation and communication of patients’ health data from electronic devices


Principal Care Management

Comprehensive care management services for a single high-risk disease

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retirement guide!

We give you full support

Aenean et ligula condimentum, consequat elit et, accumsan tortor. Donec dictum lectus ac rhoncus viverra. Fusce massa magna, euismod a lacinia eget, mattis sit amet est. Duis pulvinar nulla at fringilla imperdiet. Nulla at nulla sit amet leo feugiat scelerisque.